A New Year’s Message from Rev. Dr. Giovanni Arroyo, General Secretary of GCORR 

January 3, 2025

Beloved Siblings in Christ, 

Grace and peace to you in the name of our risen Savior, Jesus Christ, as we step boldly into this new year! 

The dawning of a new year is a sacred moment—one of reflection, renewal, and resolve. It is a time to remember who we are as a people called by God to be salt and light in a world yearning for justice, hope, and healing.  

Yet, it is also a time to press forward with urgency and conviction, embracing the work that lies before us as a church committed to dismantling racism, fostering equity, and building beloved community. 

We cannot turn a blind eye to the pain and division that persists in our world. The cries of those marginalized by systemic oppression, the groans of creation burdened by our neglect, and the echoes of voices silenced by injustice demand our response. This year, let us rise together as a church, living into the radical love of Christ—a love that breaks chains, tears down walls, and ushers in liberation for all. 

To pastors and lay leaders faithfully serving across diverse communities: thank you for your resilience and courage. Your ministries of presence, preaching, teaching, and service are the heartbeats of transformation in our connectional church. 

To congregations embracing the call to cross-cultural relationships, equity, and intercultural competence: you are the hands and feet of the Gospel in action. Continue being the presence of God in your communities. The work is not easy, but it is holy and transformative. 

And to every disciple striving to follow Christ more fully: may this be the year we recommit ourselves to the sacred work of justice and anti-racism. May our prayers lead to action, our faith to advocacy, and our convictions to courage. 

As your General Secretary, I remain steadfast in my commitment to walk with you on this journey. GCORR will continue to provide tools, resources, and training to equip you for the work ahead. Let us continue to work towards being an antiracist church that is part of our DNA.  

As reflected in the newly strengthened Article V of the Constitution of The United Methodist Church, our denomination is called to be a prophetic witness to the world by actively addressing and eliminating racism in all its forms. This foundational commitment recognizes the church's sacred responsibility to confront racial inequity, colonialism, white privilege, and white supremacy both within our denomination and in broader society. Together, let us honor this call by dreaming boldly, loving extravagantly, and acting courageously to bring about God’s vision of a just and equitable world.  

The Spirit is moving in our midst, friends. A new year brings new opportunities to be the church the world needs—a church rooted in grace, driven by justice, and marked by hope. Let us seize this moment with passion, purpose, and faith. Let us be people of prayer and action. As we step into this sacred work together, I invite you to reflect on and use this New Year’s prayer, centered on the theme of antiracism, as a guide for your journey. 

May God bless you, your ministries, and the United Methodist Church in this new year. May we walk humbly, love mercy, and do justice as we continue to build God’s beloved community. 

With faith, hope, and love, 

Rev. Dr. Giovanni Arroyo
General Secretary, General Commission on Religion and Race 
The United Methodist Church 


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