Disciplinary Mandates
The 2020 / 2024 General Conference of The United Methodist Church approved the following mandates found in the current Book of Discipline. The Book of Discipline constitutes the law and doctrine of The United Methodist Church and outlines the roles and responsibilities of general agencies in the denomination.
¶ 2002. Purpose— The purpose of the General Commission on Religion and Race shall be to challenge, lead and equip the people of The United Methodist Church to become interculturally competent, to ensure institutional equity and to facilitate vital conversations about religion, race, and culture.
¶ 2008. Responsibilities— The General Commission shall equip, hold accountable and partner with the Council of Bishops, jurisdictions, central conferences, annual conferences, local churches, general agencies and other connectional structures of The United Methodist Church and shall assume responsibilities for such matters as:
Empowering visible and prophetic leadership at every level of the Global Church with regards to race, ethnicity and culture.
Providing training, resources and consultation at all levels of the Global Church in order to:
Increase interculturally competent leaders who can engage in ministries that promote intentional diversity at every level of the church.
Expand contextually relevant local church ministry in order to reach more people, younger people and more diverse people.
Promote anti-racism efforts and challenge issues of privilege.
Work with cabinets, local churches and Boards of Ordained Ministry to develop and support cross-racial/cross-cultural and multicultural ministries.
Engage in vital conversations about the realities of race and culture in local and global contexts through consultations, research, reports and annual conference training.
Identifying and responding to global racism, ethnocentrism, and tribalism in order for the Church to more effectively move its mission forward in a diverse and global society.
Administering the CORR (Commission on Religion and Race) Action Fund. The CORR Action Fund is established by the General Conference of The United Methodist Church for the empowerment of diversity, inclusion and racial justice work within and outside the Church. The fund:
Is available through grants to congregations, connectional structures and other groups.
Shall be administered by the General Commission on Religion and Race on behalf of The United Methodist Church. The General Commission shall be responsible for developing guidelines and policies regarding grants and for evaluation of projects receiving support.
Providing resources and consultations for just and equitable policies and processes at every level of the Global Church.