2025-2026 CORR Action Fund Grants

Two grants are available for United Methodist Church entities in the United States and the Central Conferences.

Select the grant area for more information:

Deux subventions sont disponibles pour les entités de l'Église Méthodiste Unie aux États-Unis et dans les Conférences Centrales.

Sélectionnez la zone de subvention pour plus d'informations:

Duas subvenções estão disponíveis para entidades da Igreja Metodista Unida nos Estados Unidos e nas Conferências Centrais.

Selecione a área de subvenção para mais informações:

United States


Applications are invited for initiatives that address the immigration realities in the United States.  We are seeking projects that:  

  • Have a direct impact on our immigrant siblings;

  • Build alliances with community entities that serve the immigrant community; and

  • Integrate GCORR’s Vital Conversation on Immigration curriculum to educate congregation/organizational leadership, ensuring they are well-prepared to fulfill the objectives of this grant.

Who can apply?

This grant cycle is open to United Methodist and The Methodist Church of Puerto Rico[1]:

  • Local Congregations

  • Church Clusters

  • Districts

  • Campus Ministries – e.g. Wesley Foundations

  • United Methodist Affiliated Colleges and Universities

GCORR is excited to provide grants that inspire supportive and healthy relationships with immigrant siblings and UMC ongoing engagement in the discourse of immigration with GCORR resources.  We seek to support creative and impactful initiatives that:

  • Demonstrate responsive approaches that address immigration realities of their community

  • Engage and serve immigrant communities with forethought and direct engagement with community partnerships and alliances

  • Create initiatives that have lasting change with the potential to be replicated in other local churches, districts, conferences, or UMC-affiliated entities

  • Intentionally incorporate and build upon existing GCORR immigration resources and tools.

[1] In 1992 United Methodist Church formed a Concordant relationship with Methodist Church of Puerto Rico. The 2020/2024 Book of Discipline Par. 705.4 f&g – Iglesia Metodista Autonoma Afiliada de Puerto Rico.  This grant cycle focuses on immigration in the United States that impacts Puerto Rico as part of a Territory of the United States.


  • Duration: Grants up to 12 months, beginning August 1, 2025 and ending July 31, 2026

  • Funding: Grants up to $10,000 for projects lasting up to 12 months

  • Application Deadline: Make sure to submit your complete applications with all required documents to the CORR Action Fund Committee at grants@gcorr.org by May 15, 2025.

Further requirements and information are included in the application.

Central Conferences


All United Methodist Church local churches, districts, conferences, United Methodist affiliated schools and educational institutions, as well as other United Methodist affiliated entities in the Central Conferences are invited to apply for funding for groups focusing on one of the four following educational initiatives from the list below:

  1. Conflict Resolution – exploring and implementing methods and processes to end conflict and retribution, bringing about peaceful resolutions for all parties

  2. Education around Oppression – educating people to recognize the rights of the oppressed and how to advocate for and with them

  3. Intercultural Competency – building skills to foster authentic cross-cultural relationships

  4. Leadership Development – encourage leadership in youth and young adults (as defined by your conference)

This one-year grant seeks initiatives/projects that provide education, life skills, and tools that allow individuals or communities to become leaders in understanding and advocating for our brothers and sisters in Christ. The initiative must incorporate proven educational and culturally appropriate processes that can continue to promote a justice-oriented mindset. The proposed grant would:

  • Support small groups that encourage intentional diverse engagement 

  • Are multigenerational, gender and disability inclusive

  • Not cause harm to individuals or groups

  • May be service and solution centered

  • Dismantle cultural beliefs and practices that perpetuate discrimination against oppressed people

  • Are culturally sensitive to the diversity of the group 


  • Duration: This one-year grant aims to empower initiatives and projects that provide education, life skills, and tools to help individuals and communities cope with short- and long-term stressors effectively.

  • Funding: Grants of up to $10,000 are available for projects lasting up to 12 months. Granted funds must be used during the grant period for the specified purpose. Any unused funds must be returned to the General Commission on Religion and Race.

  • Application Deadline: Make sure to submit your complete applications with all required documents to the CORR Action Fund Committee at grants@gcorr.org by May 15, 2025.

Further requirements and information are included in the application.

Conférences Centrales

Visão Geral

Todas as igrejas locais, distritos, conferências, escolas e instituições educacionais afiliadas à Igreja Metodista Unida, bem como outras entidades afiliadas à Igreja Metodista Unida nas Conferências Centrais,  são convidadas a solicitar financiamento para grupos com foco em uma das quatro seguintes iniciativas educacionais da lista abaixo:

  1. Resolução de Conflitos – explorar e implementar métodos e processos para acabar com conflitos e represálias, trazendo resoluções pacíficas para todas as partes

  2. Educação em torno da Opressão – educar as pessoas para reconhecer os direitos dos oprimidos e como advogar por eles e com eles

  3. Competência Intercultural – desenvolver competências para promover relações interculturais autênticas

  4. Desenvolvimento de Liderança – incentivar a liderança em jovens e jovens adultos (conforme definido pela sua conferência)

Este subvençãode um ano busca iniciativas/projetos que forneçam educação, habilidades para a vida e ferramentas que permitam que indivíduos ou comunidades se tornem líderes na compreensão e defesa de nossos irmãos e irmãs em Cristo. A iniciativa deve incorporar processos educativos e culturalmente adequados comprovados que possam continuar a promover uma mentalidade orientada para a justiça. A subvenção proposta:

  • Apoiar pequenos grupos que incentivem o envolvimento intencional e diversificado

  • São multigeracionais, inclusivas em termos de género e deficiência

  • Não causar danos a indivíduos ou grupos

  • Pode ser centrado no serviço e na solução

  • Desmantelar crenças e práticas culturais que perpetuam a discriminação contra pessoas oprimidas

  • São culturalmente sensíveis à diversidade do grupo

Informação Importante:

  • As subvenções têm um valor máximo de 10 000 dólares durante um período máximo de 12 meses DATA DE VENCIMENTO: 15 de maio de 2025

  • As inscrições completas com os documentos necessários devem ser enviadas por e-mail para: Comitê do Fundo de Ação do CORR em grants@gcorr.org

Outros requisitos e informações estão incluídos na aplicação.

Conferências Centrais


Toutes les églises locales, les districts, les conférences, les écoles et les établissements d'enseignement affiliés à l'Église Méthodiste Unie, ainsi que les autres entités affiliées à l'Église Méthodiste Unie dans les Conférences Centrales sont invités à demander un financement pour des groupes se concentrant sur l'une des quatre initiatives éducatives suivantes de la liste ci-dessous :

  1. Résolution des conflits – explorer et mettre en œuvre des méthodes et des processus pour mettre fin aux conflits et aux représailles, en apportant des solutions pacifiques pour toutes les parties.

  2. L'éducation sur de l’oppression – éduquer les gens à reconnaître les droits des opprimés et à les défendre pour et avec eux

  3. Compétence interculturelle – développer des compétences pour favoriser des relations interculturelles authentiques

  4. Développement du leadership – encouragez le leadership chez les jeunes et les jeunes adultes (tel que défini par votre conférence)

Cette subvention d'un an recherche des initiatives/projets qui fournissent de l'éducation, des compétences de vie et des outils qui permettent aux individus ou aux communautés de devenir des leaders dans la compréhension et la défense de nos frères et sœurs en Christ. L'initiative doit intégrer des processus éducatifs et culturellement appropriés qui peuvent continuer à promouvoir un état d'esprit axé sur la justice. La subvention proposée permettrait de :

  • Soutenir les petits groupes qui encouragent un engagement diversifié intentionnel 

  • Etre multigénérationnel, inclusif en matière de genre et de handicap

  • Ne pas causer de préjudice à des individus ou à des groupes

  • Etre centré sur le service et la solution

  • Démanteler les croyances et les pratiques culturelles qui perpétuent la discrimination à l'égard des personnes opprimées.

  • Être culturellement sensible à la diversité du groupe.  

Informations importantes:

  • Les subventions peuvent atteindre 10 000 $ pour une période maximale de 12 mois.

  • DATE D'ÉCHÉANCE : 15 mai 2025

  • Les demandes complètes accompagnées des documents requis doivent être envoyées par email à l'adresse suivante : Comité du Fonds d'action de la GCORR à l'adresse suivante grants@gcorr.org

D'autres exigences et informations sont incluses dans la demande.